Mutilation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery
در سال 2007 و در پی انتشار آلبوم مرا بخور، مرا بیاشام (Eat Me, Drink Me) مریلین منسون،
ترانهٔ «نقص صادقانهترین شکل چاپلوسی» از آن آلبوم، نوعی حملهٔ منسون به
اعضای MCR عنوان شد-که البته خود منسون این موضوع را انکار کرد- ولی
بعدها در مصاحبهای اینطور عنوان کرد که اعضای اِمسیآر در پی نوعی تقلید
غمانگیز سطحی و رقتبار از کارهای او هستند. در واکنش به این صحبتها
فرانک به مجلهٔ !Kerrang گفت: منسون فقط برای نشریهها صحبت میکند. ما
هیچگاه اسممان را از روی نام یک دختر و یک قاتل زنجیرهای ندزدیدیم.
خوشحال میشدم اگر منسون جلوی خود ما این حرفها را میزد، ولی هرگاه او را
دیدم فقط به من لبخند زدهاست
هي امروز هيچ قانوني نيست
شما به جاي قرض گرفتن مي دزديد
تمام حركتهاي مرا تقليد ميكنيد
كور خونديد
شما فكر مي كنيد
من تمام فكرتون رو مي خونم
مگر نه؟
اگر مي خواهيد مثل من شيد
در صف بايستيد و منتظر باشيد
حالا منظور مرا فهميديد؟
جوانهاي بي تجربه كمتر گستاخ باشيد
افسانه ها مي روند كه قديمي شوند
ولي من سر جايم مي مانم
تا زماني كه شما كمتر ياوه بگوييد
فكر ميكنيد كه اين را نخواهم گفت؟
خودتان هم مي دانيد كه من بهتر از شما اين كار را بلدم (گلم راك،
دهنتان سرويس
دهنتان سرويس :))
There's no rules today.
You steal instead of borrow.
You take all the shapes that I make.
You think
That you think
All the thoughts
That I thought you,
Don't you?
Mutilation's the most
Sincere form of flattery.
If you wanna be me,
Then stand in line like the rest.
Now, do you know what I mean?
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you really think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Rebels without applause
I sell my shadow to those
Who are standing in it
Think I would
Bitch about them
Thinking they are
The shit
When they can't
Even step
In it
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
There's no rules today.
You steal instead of borrow.
You take all the shapes that I make.
You think
That you think
All the thoughts
That I thought you,
Don't you?
Mutilation's the most
Sincere form of flattery.
If you wanna be me,
Then stand in line like the rest.
Now, do you know what I mean?
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you really think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Rebels without applause
I sell my shadow to those
Who are standing in it
Think I would
Bitch about them
Thinking they are
The shit
When they can't
Even step
In it
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
The young get less bolder
The legends get older
But I stay the same
As long as you have less to say
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you too
Do you think that I wouldn't say this?
You know that I play this better than you
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